My State of the Union

  • I do not support looting and rioting. I do support raising your voice and protesting to end systemic racism.

  • I do not believe all cops are killers. I believe that the world has changed, therefore training and tools we arm our officers with must change too.

  • I am not against guns. I believe we need more robust mental health screenings and safer regulations to keep guns out of the hands of those ill equipped.

  • I do not believe a man who has down-played virus that has caused a global pandemic is qualified to be President. I believe the scientists who continue arm the public with the latest information based on the data collected.

  • I do not believe we have rounded a corner. I mourn for those who have lost and suffered due to the lack of response and control of this pandemic.

  • I do not believe this virus is just like the flu. I believe we are still determining the long term impacts this virus will have on those infected and impacted.

  • I do not believe the economy is bouncing back. I believe we came back from pre-lockdown numbers and will likely dip as lockdowns spread with the rise of those infected with the virus.

  • I do not believe that the choices made the last four years will make American great “again”. I believe we have already created years of damage and that four more years may be too devastating to repair in my lifetime.

  • I do not believe in socialism. I believe in providing opportunity for all those who pour their blood, sweat, and tears into this country, including providing affordable healthcare.

  • I do not believe the phrase “Stand Back and Stand By” is an appropriate statement our President of the United States, or anyone, should make with regards to a supremacist organization. I believe we should denounce racism and focus on educating our children to do better and learn from our mistakes, even those with the best intentions.

  • I do not believe a non-medical professional should be providing guidance on pharmaceutical regimens for a deadly virus. I believe the leader of the free world should support the scientists that are working towards a vaccine and continue to foster innovation.

  • I do not believe wearing a mask is a conspiracy theory by the other party. I believe that wearing a mask is looking out for the well being of our neighbors, friends, and loved ones.

  • I do not deny your right to bear arms in an effort to protect your property and family. I believe that right is no more important than my right to protect and make my own choices about my body. For more on my support of a woman’s right to choose: My Rape and fight to stop the state from assaulting more women.

  • I do not believe in closing businesses. I believe in closing down a virus that if not contained, could create reprehensible damage to small and large businesses across the nation.

  • I do not believe that getting rid of diversity training programs is an answer. I believe that four more years of this and hate will become the new pandemic, with no vaccine.

  • I do not believe that privilege is non-existent in our society. I believe we need to re-evaluate how to provide the next generation with the best opportunities to make this nation better than the generation before.

  • I do not believe we have achieved equality. I believe we can, with the right leaders, create equity.

  • I do not believe that Joe Biden will save us. I believe Trump will destroy us.

This is not Republican vs Democrat, Liberal vs Conservative, this is not even about me vs you. This is about him vs humanity. This is about our young women’ rights, the next generation’s LGBTQIA to love who they love, my future nephew’s right to walk the streets with the same confidence of getting home as his white friend, and the opportunity for those seeking asylum to come to America in an effort to make a better life for their family.