My 2020 Vision

How many of you set New Year’s resolutions?

How many of you follow through with them?

… Crickets?

I was so ready for 2020, the momentum from 2019 made me think it was only going up. It was going to be amazing, I was going to kill it! Then my car mirror got smashed, I lost a HUGE opportunity at work, and my personal life took a hit. All within the first 30 days of the new year. My year! So maybe 2020 is not my year right? FALSE!


So here I am, looking at this with perspective and what goals I have the ability to control, to some extent. I want to grow and improve. So I need to set achievable goals. I am sharing my journey, why not share my goals? Selfishly, maybe sharing them with all of you will help keep me motivated and committed. I created this with the idea of creating a community to share and empower each other.

So here it goes…

  • Buy a house/condo

  • Post weekly on my blog

  • Learn another language

  • Move up in my career

  • Love & Lift! Love myself more, lift others up as much as I can

I think we always forget that last one. Love yourself! Don’t forget to keep your goals simple and achievable. And if you don’t get them all, think about the progress and steps you have made towards hitting that goal next year! Not everything will go as planned, but I do believe it will go as intended.

What are your goals for 2020?

To get out of debt?

Travel more?

Reconnect with old friends?

Start your own healing journey?

Please share you story and let’s keep each other going through 2020.

What the new year brings you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.
— Vern McClellan

The truth? I knew the opportunity was a long shot and regardless of the outcome got my company a seat at the table, when a year ago we wouldn’t have even been considered. I couldn’t control the random man running around downtown Boston, while I was teaching a yoga class, and decided to take his anger out on my car. At least he didn’t take it out on me or some other innocent bystander. I took other’s personal struggles as mine - stealing their work and progress towards their own journey. I was looking at this all wrong.

Not everything will go as planned, but I do believe it will go as intended.
— Teresa Pokladowski

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